Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Love and Sex: Whats race got to do with it?

In this article Van Kerckhoven wrote an article on Interracial Relationship. the reason i think she wrote this was to let people know that just cause you are of different color does not mean you can not be together. The writer is using very clear wording. She pointed out that racism has nothing to do with dating.
You don't have to be of the same color to date. Her words are strong and meaningful. The tone she gave in the article was a angry and tired.
She was apparently tired and mad about the stereotypes and prejudice comments on interracial relationships. The article I believe was mostly on prejudice. The way she put her words and her tone.
It had a lot of meaning to the way she wrote her article.
I completely agree with her. I believe that love is a feeling there are no rules. You don't have to be a certain color to be in love or have inter relationships. Be who you want be with. Date who you want to date.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with both of you because when i was growing up all people tell me is only date there race not like there races its more that the were tought that way so we have to change peoples view on it bc it you dont date people based on color its the personality
